Tamee Albrecht

Tamee Albrecht is a Ph.D. student in the School of Geography and Development and a graduate research associate at the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy. Her research project investigates the role of science in guiding adaptation to changing groundwater availability in Himalayan mountain communities. Through this project and parallel pursuits, she hopes to advance the role of scientific information in developing effective groundwater policy. Before coming to the UA, Tamee worked as both a hydrologist and GIS specialist for private-sector companies and international NGOs. She spent a year in the Middle East working on water security and transboundary water management with a cross-border NGO. She earned her master’s degree in hydrology from the Colorado School of Mines, and a bachelor’s degree in geology from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Her research interests include human-natural systems, water governance, climate change adaptation, and transboundary water.
Spotlight on Tamee Albrecht - https://grad.arizona.edu/ofce/articles/2017/05/spotlight-tamee-albrecht-...
UA Graduate College, Office of Fellowships and Community Engagement
(March 2, 2017)
Accepted Scholar: