The Rachel Carson Circle is a community of individuals and businesses whose financial support is critical to the continued excellence of UA environmental programs, research, and scholarship. Contributions to the Rachel Carson Circle support the Carson Scholars and the Carson Scholars Program, furthering interdisciplinary scholarship across the many environmental areas at the UA. In addition to financial support of the program, the Rachel Carson Circle fosters the development of relationships between donors and scholars that opens the door to discovery, knowledge, and understanding about our amazing planet, the challenges it is facing, and how we might overcome them.
Rachel Carson Circle Membership Levels
- $1,000 Rachel Carson Circle Member
- $2,500 Rachel Carson Circle Scholars Patron
- $5,000 Rachel Carson Leadership Circle
- Rachel Carson Circle Life Member: gifts of cash or securities valued at $25,000 or more; planned gifts (charitable trust or annuity) of $50,000 or more; or a bequest of $100,000 or more to the Rachel Carson Circle.
Gifts of less than $1,000 are most welcome and will be used to support the Carson Scholars Program.
Rachel Carson Circle Membership Benefits
All members of the Rachel Carson Circle receive invitations to two annual Rachel Carson Circle Receptions that feature a guest speaker and presentations by current scholars. In addition, members are invited to Institute of the Environment lectures and special events, and receive the Institute's weekly electronic newsletter featuring UA environmental news, events and opportunities. All donations are deductible and provide direct financial support of research and training for the scholars. Donors of $2,500 or more will be invited to private science salons to meet with distinguished scientists and other scholars. Donors of $5,000 or more also will have the option of designating a portion of their donation to a specific area of study.
To Pay by Check
Please make your check payable to the UA Foundation and include Carson Scholars Program in the memo line.
Mail to:
The Rachel Carson Circle
Arizona Institutes for Resilience
The University of Arizona
PO Box 210137
Tucson, AZ 85721-0137
The University of Arizona Foundation is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. Per IRS requirements, your entire Rachel Carson Circle contribution is fully tax-deductible.
For questions about how to join the Rachel Carson Circle and additional ways to support the Carson Scholars Program, please contact:
Maggie Heard
Email: mmheard@arizona.edu
Phone: 520-626-4345