Carson Scholars Program Application Process
The Carson Scholars Program is dedicated to training the next generation of environmental researchers in the art of public communication. Throughout the scholarship year, Carson Scholars work closely with faculty mentors who provide hands-on training and other resources to develop skills and strategies to effectively convey the value of their research and enhance their skills in communicating science to a variety of audiences. Scholars will typically give a public talk, present a pitch, write an essay or op-ed and likely complete one other project by the end of the year.
The program's namesake, Rachel Carson (1907 – 1964), was a biologist, author, and conservationist who is credited with shining a light on the fragility and interconnectedness of our environment and is still a voice is the global environmental movement to this day.
Since its inception in 2012, the Carson Scholars Program has supported 145 graduate students in 26 different disciplines. We invite you to apply to join this legacy of outstanding scholars and environmental communicators.
Applications for the 2025-2026 cohort of Carson Scholars have closed.
Applications for the 2026-2027 cohort will open in december 2025
The Carson Scholars Program is a one-year education in the art of science communication. Carson Scholars have the opportunity to explore their own motivations and science stories and develop ways to share their work in ways that are meaningful and engaging, not only to other researcher in their fields, but to non-specialist audience as well. In collaborating with their peers, the Carson faculty mentors, participating in workshops and putting their communication skills to work, Carson Scholars go on to secure more funding by way of scholarships and fellowships, share their knowledge through op-eds and community events and event secure faculty positions after graduation.
Included in the fellowship is a $5,000 graduate scholarship to exceptional University of Arizona (UA) graduate students committed to interdisciplinary research on environment and society. These scholarships are funded by a variety of UA units including the Institute of the Environment, the Agnese Nelms Haury Program in Environment and Social Justice, the College of Science and the Galileo Circle, the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, the Office of the Provost, the College of Engineering, Biosphere 2 and the Graduate College. The scholarships are designed to support and retain UA graduate students whose research is related to the environment and/or its intersection with social justice and who are interested in communicating science to a broad audience.
Once selected, Carson Scholars begin the program by attending an intensive weekend science communication retreat at Biosphere 2 run by UA faculty. Carson Scholars work with faculty mentors who, throughout the scholarship year, provide hands-on training and other resources to develop skills, strategies, and products to effectively convey the value of their research. Scholars will enhance their skills communicating science to a variety of audiences through multiple techniques, such as popular media and public speaking. Scholars will interact with a range of stakeholders interested in their work, from visiting scholars to area donors to k-12 students and undergraduates.
Carson Scholars join a growing network of researchers interested in a range of issues related to ecology, earth, and environmental sciences, including environmental and energy policy, environmental governance, climate science, solar and renewable energy, environmental education, global change, water, sustainability, wildlife and natural resources conservation, the intersection of arts and culture and the environment, and outreach to stakeholders.
Carson Scholars leave the program with a strong working knowledge of science communication skills. Many past scholars have harnessed these skills and tools to secure fellowships and scholarships and faculty positions following the completion of their graduate work.
Carson Scholars continue to participate in the network after completing the program, providing them with opportunities for collaboration and skills that can inform and enhance their future professional efforts. The Institute of the Environment works to sustain the network of Carson alumni by promoting scholar accomplishments and publications and by encouraging interaction among current and former recipients of the award.
- A scholarship of $5,000 for the 2025-2026
- Split into two payments of $2,500 in the Fall and Spring semesters
- Specialized training in environmental communication
- Opportunities for publication
- Opportunities for public speaking
- Support from University of Arizona Faculty and Graduate Mentors
- Opportunities for networking in and beyond your Carson Scholars year
- Ability to apply for the Rafe Sagarin Travel Award
UA PhD, JD students, or UA master’s students in terminal master's creative or professional programs are eligible to apply. Applicants should be in or beyond the second year of their program starting in Fall 2025. Current and past Carson Scholars are not eligible to apply.
Applicants must be:
- in residence on campus (actively enrolled at UA main campus – not doing fieldwork somewhere for the majority of the scholarship period) for the calendar year they are selected
- involved in research related to the environment and/or its intersection with social justice
- committed to fulfilling the requirements of the scholarship (attending the retreat, all workshops and completing speaking and writing projects)
- flexible and willing to work with your peer scholars and mentors in giving and receiving constructive critical feedback
- committed to your cohort by having a positive attitude, being a strong team-player, a good collaborator, and wanting to support your peers as they support you
- A 750-word essay containing the following:
- A description of your current or intended research/scholarship area (targeted to a layperson audience, i.e. try to avoid too much jargon and explain your terms where necessary).
- Your communication interests and experience with respect to environmental topics and those areas where you seek to improve your skills.
- Your ability to work with, contribute to, and learn from a vibrant cohort of mentors and peers.
- How a Carson scholarship will help you develop various skill-sets to communicate and translate your research to diverse, broader audiences.
- CV (no more than 5 pages)
- Two faculty references, preferably one from the applicant's faculty advisor or a professor familiar with your work
- Recommenders will receive a short survey to fill out on the applicant's behalf
Carson Scholarship applications are submitted online. Finalize your essay and CV and line up your references before beginning the online application process. Once you have started the online application process, you will need to complete the process all at once, including uploading of requested documents; you will not be able to return later to make any changes. Once "Submit" is selected, you will receive an email notification that your application has been received. Within 1-2 business days, your recommenders will receive a link to the recommendation survey. Recommenders do not need to write a letter of recommendation in addition to completing the survey.
Recommenders will have one week from the applicant deadline to submit their surverys.
If you plan to wait until the deadline to submit your application, we recommend you contact your references much earlier to let them know that they will be asked to complete a recommendation survey sent through email by Maia Schneider (maiaschneider@arizona.edu).
- Attend the overnight Carson Scholars retreat at Biosphere 2
- Saturday September 6th-7th, 2025
- Attend monthly Carson Scholars Discovery Workshops
- Second Thursday of each month, 10am-12pm
- Attend 2-3 group writing workshops per year
- Write an essay on your research and its impact for publication
- Speak publicly at 2-3 educational outreach events per year
- Attend Carson Scholars graduation at the end of the year
Application Deadline: Monday February 10th, 2025
Recommendation Deadline: Wednesday February 19th, 2025
Please contact:
Maia Schneider at maiaschneider@arizona.edu