Megan Mills-Novoa

Megan Mills-Novoa is a Ph.D. student and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow in the School of Geography and Development. Originally from the flat cornfields of central Minnesota, she researches how agricultural landscapes and livelihoods are transformed under climate change adaptation projects in the Peruvian Andes. Her work will inform the designing and implementation of adaptation projects that effectively respond to the escalating impacts of climate change. Prior to her graduate studies at the University of Arizona, Mills-Novoa worked for five years as an agricultural adaptation researcher and practitioner, first as a Fulbright Fellow studying climate change impacts on Chilean vineyards and then as a Luce Scholar placed with the Centre for Rural Development in northern Vietnam. She graduated in 2009 from Lewis & Clark College with a degree in environmental studies and conservation biology.
Spotlight on Megan Mills-Novoa -
UA Graduate College, Office of Fellowships and Community Engagement
(May 2, 2017)
Accepted Scholar: