Kyle Boggs

After spending six years covering social and environmental issues for an independent newspaper in northern Arizona, Kyle Boggs brought to Tucson his love of writing about the San Francisco Peaks. As a PhD student in Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English (RCTE), he takes a critical, multi-layered approach to the ongoing controversy over development on the Peaks. In doing so he considers the way in which notions of privilege and exclusion are embedded in dominant discursive structures. He also employs a framework furthered by science studies, which attempts to situate scientific discourse within its own socio-historic context. It is his hope that this multi-methodological approach will better prepare scientists to communicate their research in a way that not only results in meaningful policy decisions, but also promotes respect for a broad landscape of cultural expression. Oh, and he also loves riding bikes and stomping around the desert with his partner and two dogs.
Accepted Scholar: