Eric Magrane

As a PhD student in the School of Geography and Development, Eric Magranestudies how the arts, humanities, and environmental sciences engage with each other and how this interaction might help point toward more sustainable, ethical, and ecological futures. He uses creative practice and project design as a hybrid research method that blends human geography, performance, environmental humanities, and science communication. As a Carson fellow,Eric intends to work with Biosphere 2 to develop a poetic field researchperformance piece that will bring selected poets and writers to Biosphere 2 to meet with environmental scientists and to generate creative work. An artist and writer with an MFA from the University of Arizona, Eric has been an artist in residence in three national parks and is currently the first poet in residence at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. He is also a research assistant at the UA’sInstitute of the Environment, where he writes Proximities, a blog on art, science, and the environment.
Accepted Scholar: