Diana Githu
Ms. Diana Githu is an Ecologist with over 8 years’ experience conducting socio-ecological research in rangeland ecosystems. Her research focus areas are restoration ecology, sustainable management, and environmental planning. Her academic background includes a B.Sc. degree in Range Management from the University of Nairobi, Kenya, and a M.Sc. in Natural Resource Management from the University of Arizona where she joined as a Fulbright Scholar. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Arid Land Resource Science Program. Her current research focuses on the Food-Water-Energy nexus and its relationship to the vulnerability and resilience of rural communities. Her professional goal is to use her research and its findings to inform and influence policy development in Kenya, Sub Saharan Africa and the rest of the globe.
Ms. Githu is also passionate about the African culture in its entirety. This inspired her and her colleagues to start a woman led organization dubbed Muthoni Unchained that uses technology to organize and transform Africa’s Culture economy. Besides making African crafts more accessible to the global market and in turn transforming the socio-economic status of the artisans, the organization tells true and authentic stories about Africa’s history, heritage, diversity, humanity, innovation…Just to mention a few! All in an effort to counter the prevalent single story about Africa, where the continent is defined through poverty, disease, conflict, poor leadership and corruption. Ms. Githu is also the founder of Guzo Kenya, a registered Community Based Organization in Nairobi, Kenya, that focuses on addressing challenges related to food insecurity, equitable education and water hygiene and sanitation among the impoverished in the society. The disparity between the rich and the poor in her country necessitated the need for such an initiative that implements sustainable projects for its beneficiaries. For the past 8 years, she has spearheaded resource mobilization initiatives for the organization.