America Lutz Ley

America Lutz Ley is a Ph.D. student pursuing a major in arid lands resource sciences and a minor in global change. She is also a research associate with the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy. She earned a master’s degree in social sciences with a minor in public affairs from El Colegio de Sonora, and a bachelor’s degree in educational psychology from the Universidad de Sonora. With support from the Fulbright-García Robles Program and the National Council of Science and Technology in Mexico, America began her studies at the UA in 2012. Her research centers on the human dimensions of adaptive water management in the context of global change. Specifically, she is interested in identifying the role social networks play in decisions regarding adaptive use of water in arid agricultural systems, how these networks’ variables interact with biophysical and other institutional and social variables constraining or facilitating adaptation, and how we can effectively integrate human and natural dimensions through people’s knowledge to increase urban and rural resilience.
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