Fixing conservation with duct tape: A story of science, zoos, and snakes



6 – 7 p.m., Dec. 12, 2019

Many semi-arid and desert animals rely on water for important parts of their lives. Some species, such as gartersnakes, could be impacted if normal water processes are altered. Zoo-based conservation, such as species reintroduction, is one avenue to help curtail species declines. This talk will highlight a brief history of a threatened, semi-aquatic gartersnake and collaborative work between field biologists and The Phoenix Zoo conservation team to better understand gartersnake biology in order to replenish declining populations. Finally, you will hear about ways you can get involved to document direct and indirect changes to water resources.


Brian Blais is a Ph.D. student in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment with a focus on wildlife conservation and management. Brian works directly with The Phoenix Zoo’s conservation department on native species reintroductions while providing evidence-based information for wildlife recovery.


This talk is a part of the Fall 2019 Science Café series hosted by the UA College of Science in partnership with Borderlands Brewing Company.

Water, Water Everywhere - But Will it Always Be?

Water is the key to life as we know it. And scientists have long realized water’s vitality, but its patterns—from rivers to rain and more—are becoming harder to predict. A little extra or a little less can have cascading effects. The water norms we grew up with aren’t the norms of the future or even the present. Researchers in the UA Carson Scholars program are working to understand how changes in water fluctuation and frequency will effect humans, animals and places. By looking at different ecosystems and different “kinds” of water, and by working with the people and species who have to adapt, we are getting closer to understanding what the future might hold. In this series, we will talk water and life, from Africa to Arizona and from ice ages to ice melt.


Brian Blais


Thomas R. Brown Family Foundation

College of Engineering 

College of Science Galileo Circle

Graduate College

Arizona Institute for Resilience

Agnese Nelms Haury Program in Environment & Social Justice

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences