Pedro Flores Gallardo

Pedro Flores Gallardo

Pedro Flores Gallardo is a PhD student in Environmental Health Sciences with a minor in Health Behavior and Health Promotion in the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health (MEZCOPH) at the University of Arizona. He obtained his M.S in Chemistry from Ohio University and his B.A. in Chemistry from Minnesota State University Moorhead. Prior to returning to his doctoral studies, he worked as an analytical chemist, industrial hygiene coordinator, and EHS manager in both higher education and the private sectors. His current research focuses on chemical exposures in marginalized communities and occupational settings where health disparities are prevalent. He investigates intervention effectiveness by intertwining risk perceptions and risk exposure assessments of chemical exposures in small workforces using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis and methodologies. Furthermore, his research aims at influencing policy by identifying and addressing gaps in the regulation of chemical products that adversely affect workers’ health.


Thomas R. Brown Family Foundation

College of Engineering 

College of Science Galileo Circle

Graduate College

Arizona Institute for Resilience

Agnese Nelms Haury Program in Environment & Social Justice

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences