2019 Carson Scholar, Brian Blais, published on Terrain.org

Nov. 22, 2019

On November 22, 2019, Carson Scholar Brian Blais published his first op-ed on the non-profit online literary journal, Terrain.Org. Terrain.Org has was established in 1997 and searches to understand the human experience between the the built and the natural environment. Its segment, A Life of Science, seeks to share the experiences of young natural scientists, such as Brian, as they tell the story of their interaction with nature at a deeper level. 

To read Brian's full piece, visit Terrain.Org here.



Thomas R. Brown Family Foundation

College of Engineering 

College of Science Galileo Circle

Graduate College

Arizona Institute for Resilience

Agnese Nelms Haury Program in Environment & Social Justice

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences