Harnessing Storm Water in Desert Cities



6 – 7 p.m., Jan. 9, 2020

Desert cities such as Tucson, Arizona are trying to address the challenges of drought and flooding. An emerging strategy to address these problems involves capturing rainwater either as it falls, or as it runs through city streets as stormwater—approaches collectively termed “green infrastructure.” My research seeks to understand how green infrastructure networks work best in our desert landscape and how it is best implemented. 


Learn more about Carson Scholar Neha Gupta

The Frontlines in our Future

As societies and the challenges they face grow increasingly complicated, the climate emergency sharpens the need to understand those challenges and tackle solutions that are just, equitable and doable. From hurricane damages to missing histories, from urban stormwater flooding to banana extinctions, this series from the Carson Scholars program explores problems and solutions in there here-and-now...and for the long tomorrow.


This talk is a part of the Spring 2020 Science Café series hosted by the UA College of Science in partnership with Borderlands Brewing Company.


Thomas R. Brown Family Foundation

College of Engineering 

College of Science Galileo Circle

Graduate College

Arizona Institute for Resilience

Agnese Nelms Haury Program in Environment & Social Justice

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences